February 21, 2025
Balancing Social Life and Studies

Crafting The Perfect Balance Between a Healthy Social Life and Studies

Attending high school, college and university is a time for your academic skills to shine and we all want to make ourselves and our families proud and come out with straight A’s. There are sometimes so many pressures and stresses that are put on us that we forget that balance is important and you need to give your brain a chance to not only process the information you are learning but also have a chance to get dopamine and serotonin released.

This might be hard to remember, especially during exam periods, when the race for the best grades is about to start and the thoughts of the future and what if’s doom are over. Here, you need to snap out of it and be kind to yourself. Socialising is crucial; as humans, we need these moments to not only help us function normally but also help us build things that you can’t learn in a book.

Balance is key in all things and too much of anything isn’t good for you. But understanding how to create balance in one’s life can be a not-so-fun thing as well and just something else to add to this list. Fear not, this article will hopefully shed some light on the debacle and provide a guideline on how to not only give yourself some well-deserved time off from studies but also create more structure in your life, which most of us need to get anything done.

Here are Several Simple Ways To Create Balance Between a Healthy Social Life and Studies

Time Management

The cornerstone of balancing studies and socializing is effective time management and accountability. End your weeks with journaling or drafting an idea of all the work you can and should get done for your studies, ensuring you’re not overdoing it and setting time aside for socializing. In some cases, a little goes a long way. Setting aside a couple of hours for a coffee or walk with a friend or family member will not only break the day up but also encourage effective time management, in a sense, motivating you to get work done in an allotted time frame.

Set Realistic Goals

This goes hand in hand with time management. You can’t expect yourself to get a full 7 hours of work nonstop and then still have some social time. You need to plan your time accordingly and have realistic expectations of what is healthy and what you can do in a day, week and month. When it comes to studies, they usually give the curriculum in the first week. This is the perfect time to make plans and set realistic goals, which will help you stay motivated throughout the year.

Utilise Resources for Studies

If there is something I regret from my studies, it is not taking advantage of all the resources I was paying for at university. To succeed in balancing studies, make use of writing centres, tutors, and academic advisors. In addition, look into career services for internships and employment opportunities that fit your professional objectives. Making effective use of these resources can help you reduce stress and save time.

Even after you’ve finished your studies, there are things that, as postgraduates, you still have access to that are good to keep in mind.

Prioritise Your Mental Health with Socialising

With all these pressures coming at you while you study, you forget that your mental health and well-being should be number one. Consider going to events, like those sponsored by the Student Union, that are designed especially to help students de-stress rather than letting anxiety and stress consume them.

Personally, I love it best when the therapy dogs come around. Those adorable dogs instantly relieve tension. But that’s not all; students can also take part in a variety of activities that happen virtually every day or joining specific groups at university can help you stay accountable for your work but then mix in some socialising that we all need and shouldn’t feel guilty for. Discovering a calming hobby that restores your energy and calms you is another excellent method to reduce stress. I like to go for runs in the local parks whenever I’m feeling nervous or take advantage of any school gym facilities.

Learn to say No: Prioritising Studies

To maintain a balance between studies and socialising, I was definitely guilty because I loved fashion and my friends so much that I always wanted an excuse to wear my going-out dresses all the time. But learning when to say no to socialising and to prioritise studying is important and while things like fear of missing out come into play, you need to discipline yourself. At the end of the day, you are lucky enough to go to university and at the price, you should get the most out of it that you can.

Socialising is important, but it shouldn’t take away from your studies and essentially be your downfall. Knowing when you are getting carried away with these things and making up for it you will be thankful when exam season comes around.

Eat Healthy

Eating a healthy diet will benefit both your body and mind. Having a well-balanced diet can help you stay more energetic all day long. Treat yourself to a night out with your friends at your favourite restaurant after a demanding day or week!

Taking care of oneself is crucial because being a student demands a lot of energy and is a full-time job. When you have a lot on your to-do list or are nearing a deadline, don’t feel bad about turning down friends who want to hang out. Sometimes you have to make a compromise. Some exams and assignments may require more time and effort than others. But once you’ve completed enough tasks on your agenda, feel free to enjoy yourself outside!

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