October 16, 2024
Economics Assignment

How Your Economics Assignment Can Be A Changemaker?

Economics is a subject that has the most practical implications. A good knowledge in economics can change the landscape of economic development of the country and the world. As you must be aware, since the COVID-19, the economics of the world has hit a new low. Recession is at the door and unemployment is at its soar. The world really needs an economist who can find solutions to get out of the recession-like situation. Could you be the one? Why not! Take your first step with economics assignment writing. You can seek help from assignment help economics. Until then, read the post to gain a basic idea of how an assignment in economics can be a changemaker.

Economics is not just about maintaining the financial balance of the country. It is also about providing equal opportunity to every section of the society without any discrimination. In our society, even though the overall rate of employment is good, it lacks the participation of disadvantaged groups like women. Women and people of lower sections of the society are forced to do either unpaid labor or daily wage labor. They are not considered capable enough of joining the standard employment.

So, through help with economics assignment you can address these issues and more to develop the economics of the country in a wholesome manner.

How can your Assignment on Economics be a Changemaker?

1. Addressing Relevant Issues

Through your assignment, you can address the relevant issues regarding the economic status of the countries and the world. You can analyse the situation, find the core problem and provide a viable solution to deal with issues. This will make you stand out among other candidates as your content and work will have more weight because of its relevance in the current scenario.

2. Comparing Past Economic Methods with the Present

You can also go back into history and analyse how economics worked during those times. You can find the main methods that were successful and the methods that were a failure. Then, you can compare it with the current situation and see if any of the methods can be applied in the current situation. This will make your assignment a wholesome study of the economical development of the world. Assignment help economics can help you in this comparative study by providing you the right way to do it.

3. Finding Ways to Create a Balance

Creating a balance in economics of the world is not about constant rise in the revenues. It is about providing equal employment opportunities to everyone irrespective of gender, class, race or caste. Through your assignment, you can address this issue, highlight the importance of creating the balance and provide solutions to ensure that the balance is maintained.

4. Exploring Ethical Side of Economics

Every sector of the society has an ethical side. Everything must be done according to the ethics and laws created regarding different aspects. For example, not providing equal employment opportunities is against the ethics of basic human rights. So through your assignment, you can analyse the economic landscape of a particular country or the entire world from the perspective of ethics and laws. This will act as an eye-opener for the society that will then demand an equal and legal economic system. Seek guidance from help with economics assignment to know more about the ethics and laws about economics.

5. Impact of Economics on Different Forms of Employment

Undeniably, the economic situation of a country impacts the different types of employment. For example, the demonetisation that happened a few years ago, impacted the business adversely. Moreover, the current recession-like situation has created a dearth of jobs, especially in the IT sector. Layoffs, lack of placements and poor job opportunities have plagued the IT sector. So your assignment can analyse these impacts on various types of employment. You can hence provide a solution on how to mitigate the impacts and encourage the growth.

Now that you are aware of how your assignment in economics can be a changemaker, let us focus on how to conduct the data collection and analysis for assignment on economics. This is important because your economics assignment is a practical implication of theories. So you can’t possibly do this without interacting with the real world. Seek help from assignment help economics to understand these processes of assignment writing.

How to Conduct Data Collection and Analysis in Economics Assignment?

1. Decide the Method of Data Collection

The first step would be to decide the method of your data collection. The various methods available are surveys, interviews and experiments. Choose the best option based on your topic of research. While this will be the source of your primary data, select the sources of your secondary data which could be government reports, academic journals and more. Seek guidance from economics dissertation help to know more about data collection methods.

2. Data Collection

For primary data, conduct the experiments, surveys or interviews based on the ethics and regulations. Take consent of the participants before including their views and opinions. For secondary data, make sure you cite the sources of the materials you have collected to avoid ethical responsibilities of plagiarism and copywriting.

3. Organise your Data

Now, after collecting the data, you need to organise it systematically using MS excel, SPSS or other tools. Remove the errors, inconsistencies and other factors affecting the credibility of your data. For more information, connect with assignment help economics.

4. Analysing Data

Next step is to analyse the data. You will have to choose the right statistical or econometrics analysis method to get results that suit your research question and hypothesis.

Now that the main part of an assignment in economics has been addressed, let’s conclude with the basic format of assignment writing.

Format of Assignment Writing

  1. Title Page
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Abstract
  4. Introduction
  5. Literature Review
  6. Methodology
  7. Data Analysis and Result
  8. Discussion
  9. Conclusion
  10. References

So that’s all! The post aimed at providing you with an insight on how your economics assignment can be a changemaker if done seriously and sincerely. If you really want to be an economist who can create an impact, assignment writing would be the best start towards that goal.

If you still have some doubts, connect with economics dissertation help.

Otherwise, start with your assignment. Choose the issue you strongly feel about and showcase your innovation by providing a viable and out-of-the-box solution. All the best!

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